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Player Guidelines and Code of Conduct

Player Guidelines

Sneds Tour Members are expected to:


  • Follow all Sneds Tour Player and Social Distancing Guidelines.

  • Play by USGA Rules of Golf and display proper etiquette.

  • Play 18 holes in no longer than 4 hours, 30 minutes or 9 holes in no longer than 2 hours, 15 minutes (see "Pace of Play")

  • Score properly and report directly to the scoring area following play.

  • Know their schedule of events and their starting time/starting hole for each event.

  • Report any misconduct that may be detrimental to the future of the Sneds Tour.

  • Respect the game of golf, its rules, and values.

  • Have FUN!



Click here to view Sneds Tour Hard Card.



Registration/Starting Times
Players are expected to report to their starting hole ready to play at least five (5) minutes prior to their starting time to receive instructions from our staff (the official time is measured by the atomic clock in the starting area).
Scorecards will be distributed, local rules covered, and other important issues will be addressed before your tee time.

Starting times are posted according to the time zone in which the golf course is located. Players are responsible for checking the tournament web page to determine in what time zone the course is located.



Competition Rounds

Each 18-hole Sneds Tour event is played as two nine (9) hole rounds. This allows the field staff on site to shorten an event to nine holes if weather, daylight, etc. will not permit an 18-hole division to complete all 18 holes the day of the tournament. If a one-day, 18-hole event is shortened due to weather the tournament will NOT be resumed the following day, and a winner will be crowned as long as all participants in a division are able to complete at least nine holes.



Scorecards/Scoring Area 

At all Sneds Tour events, players will be issued official tournament scorecards. Players are expected to serve as a marker for another competitor. Competitors should check scores at the completion of each hole. Players should keep track of their own score on the "Markers Notes" section of the scorecard. At the completion of the round, players MUST report directly to the scoring area. In the scoring area, a staff member will be available for rulings and to aid in the scoring process. Players should remain in the scoring area until scoring is completed for all players in their group. A scorecard is considered returned when a player verbally confirms their score with the staff member and exits the scoring area. No corrections can be made after a player has left the scoring area. 


For Micro and 4-7 division events, caddies may assist the player with keeping score, but ultimately it's the player's responsibility to keep his or her scorecard. Only players should report directly to the designated scoring area, but caddies should be readily available should a question or dispute arise.



Breaking Ties

Ties for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be broken by the USGA's recommended scorecard playoff method (last nine holes, last six holes, last three holes, last hole). If the tournament has a double tee start, the last nine holes, last 6 holes, etc. is considered to be Nos. 10-18, 13-18, etc.

Code of Conduct Guidelines

The Sneds Tour is committed to maintaining sportsmanship, etiquette, and the integrity of the game of golf. With this in mind, the following guidelines for conduct will apply:



Code of Conduct Violations:

  • Any conduct detrimental to a player, his/her equipment, the golf course, or the host facility

  • Un-sportsmanlike conduct including but not limited to abusive language or profanity, club throwing, tantrums, or cheating.

  • Not following the Sneds Tour dress code.  Should a facility have a stricter dress code, its policy will take precedence. 

  • Use or association with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products.

  • Possession of a weapon. Police will be notified in the event of a violation.

  • Gambling.


In accordance with the dress code of most hosting facilities, players and SPECTATORS please follow these guidelines:


Required Dress at the Golf Course:

  • All shirts must have collars and must be tucked in at all times. Girls may wear alternate golf type shirts.

  • Mock neck type golf shirts are permitted based on host club policy.

  • All shorts must be golf type shorts and Bermuda length.

  • All hats and visors must be worn properly.

  • All golf shoes must have non-metal spikes.


Prohibited Dress at the Golf Course:

  • T-shirts and tank tops are not acceptable

  • Tennis shorts and short length shorts/skorts are not acceptable

  • Blue jeans, denim shorts, and cut-off shorts are not acceptable

  • Earrings (Males)

  • Visible body piercings


Should a host facility have a stricter dress code, its policy will take precedence.



Headphones, Ear Pieces, & Electronic Devices

To eliminate distractions and breaches of etiquette, the use of headphones and ear pieces are prohibited during Sneds Tour competitive rounds.  The use of headphones and ear pieces are discouraged while on property at the host facility including inside the clubhouse and on the practice facilities.


Please be aware of cell phone policies at each host facility.



Code of Conduct Violation Penalties
The Sneds Tour may assess any or all of the following penalties based on the severity of the conduct violation:

  • Verbal warning to the player.

  • Disqualify the player from the tournament at which the violation occurs.

  • Suspend the player from the Sneds Tour without a refund.

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